Credit card debt is defined as the debt owed to you by your debit card. It gets accumulated when you only pay a minimum amount each month instead of the full amount.
Credit card debt is like a snowball, it will grow eventually with time if you keep on paying a minimum amount. It happens because a higher interest is adding up on the balance every time you make a minimum payment.
Consolidating credit card debt aims to save on interest and simplification of payments. Some of the common ways are as follows:
Get a 0% interest card for a limited time to pay off the debt at a faster pace.
Combine debts from your multiple credit cards into one loan and pay it with hopefully a lower interest rate.
Contact a credit counselor to negotiate the lower interest rates from your creditor on your behalf. It might have some charges associated.
It aids you with a simplified payment. Savings more money by offering potentially lower interest rates. Enhances the credit score, if consistent on-time payments will be done. It is easier to track progress and manage debt. It is a step towards becoming debt-free.
The process of securing a debt consolidation loan for paying off your credit card debt is as follows: